Thursday, January 29, 2009

Define travel

Awesome movie, awesome song:

^"Where is my mind" by the Pixies - video from Fight Club^

So career fair madness implanted a bit of chaos into my life today. Though it was entertaining stepping back, watching all the stressed out seniors trying to disguise their insecurities, doubts about graduating, and uncertainty about what the hell they want to do with their lives . . . hiding under their business suits and holding their portfolios as though their function was to shield them from weapons of all sorts.

I kind of floated around, set up a few interviews, but nothing seems probable to fit. Flight attending is actually now in the running for top career choices for me. All the frequent flier mileage would allow me to go ANYWHERE on my days off. We all know travel is probably my greatest passion in life. And by travel I do not mean vacationing! Es decir:

I want to go to Serbia, find the most awful area, lie down, look up at the sky and say “I am in Serbia.” I want to go to Ukraine, find the most depressing area, lie down, cry, look up at the sky and say “I am in Ukraine.” I want to meet people in Slovenia, speak to them in their language and hear THEIR stories. I want to prove it’s not the setting, but your perspective of the setting. When I say I strive to live I am not saying I want to forget the worries in life rather face them, ALL of them, even if they are not your personal worries, even if you have to go to Morocco to find/feel them. Recognize your most painful situations (I am not talking about the “I hate school” pain, rather the “I wish he were alive” pain, the painful kind of pain) look up at the sky and say “I am here. I am alive. Live.” Because if you can survive/live through those moments you have nothing to fear. Not even death. Everything else seems so trivial. Life instructions are so basic . . . LIVE. Don’t complicate things. I re-iterate: JUST LIVE.

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